Laser Wrinkle Reduction
Look your best with facial aesthetics options from Dr. Vanama at Discovery Dental.
Click Now for Your FREE ConsultationAt our local dentist office in Issaquah, we enjoy offering the latest dental technologies and time-tested dental services that will keep your teeth safe, strong, functional, and great-looking for a lifetime. But what if you want more from your aesthetic dentistry? Would you want your smile to be framed in younger looking skin?
That is a new possibility at your family dental practice. We now have procedures that can treat and reduce wrinkles, giving you more confidence in your smile and appearance—and possibly give other benefits in your life as well.
How Does Laser Wrinkle Reduction Work?
A laser is a beam of focused, coordinated light that has physical effects, such as stimulating and shaping skin. For wrinkle treatment, laser dentistry can gently remove a small amount of skin that was damaged by the sun or the effects of aging, revealing newer natural skin underneath.
Plus, you can get laser facial treatment in conjunction with other treatments you prefer, such as dermal fillers or Botox.
Laser wrinkle treatment can help to alleviate the effects of:
- Sun and Cosmetics: Over the years, the sun, wind, airborne particles, and makeup can all build up damage to the skin. The laser can remove some of the damaged skin and encourage new skin to grow. It can resurface skin that has been affected by sun damage.
- Muscle Movements: Over the years, the natural movements of muscles put stress on the skin, causing it to wrinkle like a blanket on a bed. The laser can partially relieve this.
- Smoking: Using cigarettes causes repetitive strain to the muscles and skin around the mouth, which causes wrinkles and damage. It can also lower the body’s ability to create collagen (the natural substance needed to make skin look young).
- Acne Scars: It’s frustrating that acne makes people feel self-conscious and then leaves scars behind. The laser can reshape skin to relieve some of the effects of these scars.
- Birthmarks: A laser can take some of the color out of a facial birthmark, making it less noticeable.
- Skin Color Changes: If your skin has picked up some yellow or gray tones over the years, the laser can stimulate the skin to create a more youthful color.
Laser dentistry is a great new tool for removing damaged parts of skin and letting your natural skin show up. Call Dr. Vanama at Discovery Dental today to see how you can grow your confidence with some facial aesthetics treatments.
Click Now for Your FREE ConsultationCombining Facial Aesthetics With Dentistry
When patients think of cosmetic dentistry, they often think only of procedures affecting the teeth or gums. But a cosmetic dentist such as Dr. Vanama is also well-trained in the knowledge of facial muscles, teeth, jawbones, and soft tissues such as gums and lips.
Your family dentist is a natural fit for improving the way your smile looks in several ways. If you want to have the most attractive and confident smile possible, your dentist is happy to use facial skin rejuvenation and facial esthetics to improve your overall results.
We also care about the effects of aging, which causes changes in the teeth, gums, facial muscles, skin, jawbone, and throat. When you are concerned about changes to your facial appearance, we’re concerned too. We want to help, because the face affects the way people interact. We want you to feel confident and happy with your smile in every way.
Get Laser Wrinkle Reduction at Discovery Dental Clinic
Schedule a consultation with Dr. Vanama so she can examine your facial skin and discuss your goals. She will then be able to prepare the dental laser, settings, and procedure to reduce your damaged skin and stimulate new skin.
You may need several treatments to make sure you get the smile makeover you want. Some patients prefer to get a skin treatment in the middle of the day, such as during lunch. Your skin may look a little pink afterwards, but generally people won’t be able to tell that you received a treatment—unless you’re excited to tell them.
Look Younger—Feel Better! Contact Discovery Dental Today for Laser Treatment
Contact the dental clinic at Discovery Dental to schedule your first appointment about laser wrinkle reduction and get to our team. You can also ask about veneers, dental crowns, teeth whitening, dental bonding, and other smile design services.
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