It seems like the symptoms of needing a root canal would be obvious, but that isn’t always the case. In fact, “How do you know you need a root canal?” is a common question that Dr. Vanama hears at Discovery Dental- Issaquah. She always recommends that patients come in for an immediate evaluation if they are experiencing any of these symptoms:
- Unexplained facial or neck swelling
- Throbbing pain in a single tooth
- One tooth appears darker than all of the others
- Gums are red and swollen
- A sac forms on the gum line that looks like it’s filled with pus
- Certain activities make the pain worse, such as biting, chewing, consuming a drink that is not at room temperature, being in a reclined position, and going from a seated to a standing position
We have found that having unfounded fears about root canals has prevented many patients from getting the help they need. While the procedure isn’t completely pain-FREE, the discomfort is brief and significantly less than it was in the past. The benefits of having Dr. Vanama complete a root canal are greater than any momentary discomfort. These include preserving the tooth, avoiding more invasive dental work at a later time, and the ability to eat, sleep, and speak without pain.
You don’t necessarily need a root canal just because you have these symptoms. However, it’s important to determine the cause a course of treatment as soon as possible. If the problems persist despite your home remedies, we encourage you to contact Discovery Dental immediately.
What to Expect at the Root Canal Procedure
The reason these symptoms occur is that pus has formed underneath a tooth and leaked out onto the gum line. This can cause a painful infection. When you come in for a root canal, Dr. Vanama first numbs the affected area. Next, she uses specialized dental equipment to reach the infected tooth pulp so she can remove it. Once that is complete, she cleans your tooth from the inside and places a seal around it to keep bacteria from invading again. Lastly, Dr. Vanama places a crown on the treated tooth to stabilize and strengthen it. This reduces pain, prevents infection, and allows you to resume normal eating habits right away.
Feel FREE to contact us at any hour if you are experiencing oral pain and think you may need a root canal